Support Page

To access the CQC Controller the CTC CQC App needs to be configured.

To configure the CTC CQC  goto :

 iPhone/iPad Settings

 Scroll down to CTC CQC


App Icon : Change the displayed Application Icon (note application must be run once icon is changed before icon changes)

iCloud Sync : When turned on the CTC CQC setting sync between devices

Hide Status Bar : Hide the Status Bar so that on an iPad the CQC Screen is displayed full screen 

Status Bar Text White : DisplayStatus Bar Text in white rather than black


You can change the colour of the background around the CQC screen. A seperate colour can be set when on Wifi and when on 4G. This allows you to match the background to the CQC background so it appears as one seamless screen, and also use it as a status indicator to indicate when on WiFI or 4G

Background Colour : Enter a Hex value for the colour you want eg. GREEN is #00FF00

Port : CQC Controller Port no e.g. 80

Address : CQC Controller IP Address


Background Colour : Enter a Hex value for the colour you want eg. RED is #FF0000

Port : WAN Port that points to the CQC Controller Port no e.g. 8080

Address : WAN IP Address


A diffrent default screen can be displayed by enabling orientation. Once it is enables the app uses a user/password for landscape and one for portrait

Enable Orientation : When enable set both landscape and portrait users below


User Name : User Name used to display Default or Landscape view

Password  : Password  used to display Default or Landscape view


User Name : User Name used to display Portrait view

Password : Password  used to display Portrait view


No Cache : Disable template caching

Target Port  : Port the Javascript uses to make the Websocket connection to the CQC web server.

Session Name : Any WebRIVA specific logging done by the web server will include this session name, to make it easier to identify a particular client when you have more than one. 

No Pixel Scaling : Allows you to create templates the same size as your device's resolution and have them fit. 


 LAN Port :  Port set for the CQC trigger driver when installed

WAN Port : WAN Port that point to the Trigger Driver port

  BUTTON 1 - 8

Enter the configuration details for each of the buttons 1 to 8 that are displayed on the Today Widget

Send : The text sent to the Trigger Driver e.g. /Set/TV/Channel#123 note :  \n (LF) is added automatically

Label : Description of the button (will automatically format over 2 lines if needed

Image :  The image for the button to display

For support please email laurence@crowhurst.com.au