To access the Controller the CTC SpaceLogic App needs to be configured.
To configure the CTC SpaceLogic goto :
iPhone/iPad Settings
Scroll down to CTC SpaceLogic
If you are new to CTC Space Logic and want to get athe App up and running use these initial settings
Keep WiFi names blank, turn on use user name , enter username and password for lan and wan. Enter IP address for lan and port 80 do same for wan, Make sure App mode is turned OFF.
Now run CTC Spacelogic App
Display Status Bar Text in white rather than black
Change the displayed Application Icon (note application must be re-run once icon is changed before icon changes)
iCloud Sync
Hide Status Bar
Status Bar Text White
App Icon
Sync Setting between devices
Hide the Status Bar so that on an iPad the SpaceLogic Screen is displayed full screen
Disabled the resume page refresh, making the page loading faster
Disable Resume Page Refresh
Support for Spacelogic, Embedded Machine Logic Machine5, Schneider Wiser for KNX, spaceLYnk and fellerLYnk Apps
Turn on App Mode Support.
App Mode
App String (Portrait/Default)
Specify App.
App String (Portrait/Default)
Specify App.
To Fix an issue where the browser screen stops responding after a number of day Daily refresh can be turned on, the app will refresh the page every day just after midnight.
Turn on App Mode Support.
Daily Refresh
Refresh Status
Displays when the page was last refreshed
A different default screen can be displayed for landscape and portrait by enabling orientation.
Enable Orientation
Change what is displayed depending on orientation (see options below). When not set both landscape and portrait use Default/Portrait
Clear URL Scheme
Use orientation settings once orientation changes
Default/Portrait (Smart Phone)
Set Default/Portrait view to be Smart Phone or Desktop View
Default/Portrait Page No
Enter a page to display
Landscape (Smart Phone)
Set Landscape view to be Smart Phone or Desktop View
Landscape Page No
Enter a page to display
To find the number of a page
DOWNLOAD PDFYou can change the colour of the background around the Controller screen. A seperate colour can be set when on Wifi and when on 4G. This allows you to match the background to the Controller screen background so it appears as one
seamless screen, and also use it as a status indicator to indicate when on WiFI or 4G
Connect to controller using SSL
Wifi Name (1-4)
4 Local Wifi Network Name the controller is connected to can be specified
Controller Port no e.g. 80
Controller IP Address
Background Colour
Enter a Hex value for the colour you want eg. GREEN is #00FF00
Note : If you set the Wifi name (s), if your iPad/iPhone is connected to a named Wifi the app will connect using the LAN Setting, if a Wifi name doesn't match the Wifi the iPad/iPhone is connected to then the app will connect using the WAN Settings. If no Wifi name is set and the iPhone/iPad is connected to Wifi the app will connect using the LAN settings.
Connect to controller using SSL
WAN Port that points to the controller Port no e.g. 8080
WAN IP Address
Enter a Hex value for the colour you want eg. RED is #FF0000
Background Colour
You can enter a different user name and password for access via LAN and WAN. Even if the LAN and WAN passwords are the same both must be entered
Use User Name/Paswword
Enable user login
Use Encrypted OnlyUse
User Name
LAN User Name
LAN User Password
WAN User Name
User Name
WAN User Password
Note : For the passwords the following characters can not be used: <>#%{}|~`[]':@!.?^;
On start up/orentation change a set command (via API) can be sent to the Automation Controller. You can set the App eg Lighting/Trigger, Group and a Value.
It can be enabled for when the app starts/comes into foreground and also when there is an orientation change.
Different apps/groups/values can be sent for landscape/portrait.
NOTE : The Remote login password must be set on the Automation Controller in System, Services, Remote service.
Remote Password
The Password for the Remote login .
Send On Startup (Orentation Disabled)
Send command on startup or return to foreground, when orientation is disabled
Application number eg Lighting 56
Group Address
Send On Start Landspace
Send command on startup or turned to Landscape
Application number eg Lighting 56
Group Address
Send On Start Portrait
Send command on startup or turned to Portrait
Application number eg Lighting 56
Group Address
Note : For the passwords the following characters can not be used: <>#%{}|~`[]':@!.?^;
The TODAY WIDGET now uses the Automation Controllers API. 8 Button are displayed in the Today Widget, they are configured as Presets and will send a value you the app/group set.
NOTE 1 : The Remote login password must be set on the Automation Controller in System, Services, Remote service.
NOTE 2 : The password the Today Widget is set in Remote Password in the Send Command Section
NOTE 3: If you are using an version 2.0 of the Spacelogic App, to use the Today Widget a script must be placed of the controller. Click HERE for more info
Enter the configuration details for each of the buttons 1 to 8 that are displayed on the Today Widget
Set the Application to send to e.g. 56 Lighting Application
Set the Group te send to
Set the Value to send eg 255
Description of the button (will automatically format over 2 lines if needed)
The image for the button to display
Note : The current version of the Today Widget only sends commands to the Automation Controller, it does not receive commands, this feature will be added to later versions.
Note : Due to the Spacelogic Automation Controllers increased security to access remote services outside you local LAN an SSL Certificate mast be generated on the Automation controller and downloaded on to each device eg iPhone that requires the use of remote services.
Documentation on how to setup the SSL Certificate can be found here
Generate SSL Certificate
The CTC SpaceLogic Server gives the iPad/iPhone the ability to receive and act on command via TCP.
Server On
Turns on the Server functionality
Set the port the server receives messages on
The CTC SpaceLogic app most be running and in the foreground (due to IOS restrictions) for this function to work. When the App is closed/placed in the background/ On Screen lock the Server is stopped.
Currently 2 Commands are supported :
A small module can be installed on the controller to allow easy scripting of commands to the CTC SpaceLogic. The Module and Documentation can be downloaded below:
If you want to send commands to the CTC-SpaceLogic app from other sources eg Alarm panel, the string format you need to send is:
page,page no eg page,10 or
play, sound eg play,alarm
Sounds currently supported
Note: play,stop will stop the current sound playing.