CTC SpaceLogic



To access the Controller the CTC SpaceLogic App needs to be configured.

To configure the CTC SpaceLogic  goto :

iPhone/iPad Settings

Scroll down to CTC SpaceLogic


If you are new to CTC Space Logic and want to get athe App up and running use these initial settings

Keep WiFi names blank, turn on use user name , enter username and password for lan and wan. Enter IP address for lan and port 80 do same for wan,  Make sure App mode is turned OFF.

Now run CTC Spacelogic App


Set the Value to send eg  255


Description of the button (will automatically format over 2 lines if needed)


The image for the button to display

Note : The current version of the Today Widget only sends commands to the Automation Controller, it does not receive commands, this feature will be added to later versions.

Note : Due to the Spacelogic Automation Controllers increased security to access remote services outside you local LAN an SSL Certificate mast be generated on the Automation controller and downloaded on to each device eg iPhone that requires the use of remote services.
Documentation on how to setup the SSL Certificate can be found here 

Generate SSL Certificate