Beta Testing
If you would like to join our Beta Test Program, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
In a time of AI , in a world where we find ourselves increasingly time poor, why spend hours or even days creating a user interface for the SpaceLogic Automation Controller when CTC UI can generate a User Interface in a matter of seconds.
Any Size / Multiple Styles
CTC UI can generate you a User Interface of any size to fit the device you want it displayed on.
There are also several styles to choose from
- set the height and width
- set the style
- choose if you want a side or bottom bar
- set the page order
- set the object order
- Automatically selects the icons
- Automatically selects the function eg Dimmer or Relay
- Automatically generates the Rooms and Categories
Currently Supports The Following Controllers
Scheider Clipsal Wiser 5500SHAC/NAC/AC
Schneider SpaceLogic AC/NAC2
for Tech Support please contact
If you would like to take part in the CTC-UI Beta Testing please fill out your detail in the Beta Program Form below